If you’ve overlooked the importance of warehouse cleaning and maintenance services in the past, here’s what you’ve been missing out on and what you have to gain.
Why Warehouse Cleaning Matters
Warehouses need to do more than house a business’s tangible assets—they also need to protect those assets while providing a safe working environment for personnel. A thorough cleaning and maintenance program is a core part of achieving that goal. When you don’t keep a warehouse properly cleaned, unsafe working conditions become inevitable. It’s only a matter of time before a workplace accident occurs, but a regimented cleaning plan can significantly mitigate the frequency and likelihood of job injuries at your warehouse.
Along with ensuring a safe working environment, warehouse cleaning also helps protect assets and machinery at your warehouse or industrial facility. One of the ways you can protect your bottom line is by minimizing dust on infrastructure, equipment, shelves, and inventory. While dust particles may seem like a minor problem now, dust buildup can lead to equipment breakdowns, damaged parts, and even health hazards over time.
By implementing a comprehensive cleaning program optimized for your warehouse, your business can ultimately save money, prioritize worker safety, and protect your investments.
Increase Warehouse Productivity
A clean warehouse is a productive warehouse. As already mentioned, a well-maintained warehouse ensures a safe work environment while also encouraging a more productive mindset. When you don’t prioritize a clean warehouse, employees have no baseline for how clean the building should be. As dust builds up on light fixtures, it’s also harder to see, and overall regard for operational efficiency often drops.
When your employees have an opportunity to work in a clean environment, they’re motivated to maintain that level of cleanliness, pay attention to the finer details, and hold managers in higher regard.
Dust Prevention in Warehouses
Most warehouses already have some level of dust prevention measures implemented at their facilities, but without a dedicated dust remediation plan, you will always struggle with visible dust buildup. When dust accumulates over time, it can increase wear and tear on equipment like manufacturing machinery, forklifts, and raw materials. That wear and tear may lead to more frequent breakdowns, resulting in lost productivity and reduced revenue.
To eliminate dust from your facility before it ever has a chance to accumulate over time, you should customize a cleaning schedule around your operations. Those services can even provide a return on investment by reducing breakdowns, workplace accidents, and asset damage.
If you’re ready to prioritize workplace safety, warehouse productivity, and asset protection at your warehouse, customize a cleaning program with Carlson today.
How Frequently Should You Clean a Warehouse?
Now that we’ve clarified the importance of maintaining a clean warehouse, you’re likely wondering how frequently you should schedule cleaning services at your facility. While the answer to why cleaning a warehouse matters is straightforward, how often it needs to be cleaned isn’t always as clear. Some warehouse spaces may require daily cleaning, while other facilities may only need weekly maintenance. However, weekly cleaning is often the bare minimum.
To gauge if your warehouse may require more frequent cleaning, ask these questions:
- Do we frequently have warehouse doors that remain open to the outdoors throughout the day?
- Does your facility have loading docks that tractor-trailers regularly back into? Trailers can introduce increased levels of dust and debris into your facility.
- Do you keep inventory stored for long periods of time in hard-to-reach areas?
- Does your facility rely on internal combustion forklifts in indoor areas?
- Do you wait until scheduled inventory counts before cleaning off racks, shelves, and goods?
If you answered yes to any of the above, your warehouse or industrial facility is likely prone to higher levels of dust and debris than an average building. To prioritize workplace safety and productivity, you may want to consider daily warehouse cleaning services.
Customize a Warehouse Cleaning Program for Your Facility
If an unclean warehouse has impacted worker safety, productivity, or profitability at your facility, the simplest solution is a holistic, detail-oriented cleaning program. Fortunately, Carlson Building Maintenance makes that easy with cleaning and maintenance plans optimized for your operations. Let us know what you’re struggling with at your warehouse and our experts will help you identify the right solution with a free cleaning consultation.